Our company is the first in the leading dissection of forever roses in Greece and worldwide as we send daily around the world real roses that last 3 to 5 years. In 2015, with the unique quality and aesthetics of the luxurious paper and velvet boxes that come from Italy, we started to decorate your space in combination with the forever roses series that come from Ecuador. These top quality roses go through an organic treatment that allows them to last 3 to 5 years using some of the guidelines you will see below.
- Please keep them away from sunlight, extreme temperatures and humidity.
- The forever roses may collect dust which you can remove with small brushes gently and carefully with small strokes as they are quite delicate.
As professionals we always pay attention to detail and create for you all your wishes according to the taste and preference of each of our clients individually. Through our beautiful handmade boxes, specially designed acrylic boxes and glass domes we make every occasion unique.
Place your order online, by phone or in our physical store and benefit from fast and safe delivery with the Rose Company guarantee.